Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are caused by bacteria (usually E. coli) in the urinary tract or bladder. These infections can be painful and cause symptoms like burning while urinating, urgency …

Treating UTIs with Chinese Medicine

How Moxibustion Works
Lately I have had a lot of questions about moxibustion so I figured I would provide some helpful information that I have found in my research about how moxibustion works …

Self Love – Why Your Body Doesn’t Hate You
A question that I keep hearing is, “Why does my body hate me?”. When we are confronted with pain or dysfunction, a usual first response is to blame and shame …

How to Build an All-Natural Medicine Cabinet
When I started school to study Oriental Medicine I started converting my medicine cabinet to contain more natural products. I built my home apothecary around the types of health issues …